ReMARKable Celebrates 3000 Orders in 2016!
To thank our ReMARKable customers and fans, we are giving 3 orders away for FREE between order #s 3001 and 3100.
The lucky order #s have been pre-selected by a random number generator. When those order #s are complete, we will notify the purchaser that their payment is being refunded.
You have a 1 in 33 chance right now of your order being totally FREE!
(we are currently at order # 3024 at the time of this mailing)
Congratulations to Peter Vachon, who placed order #3011, who will get his 50 Square Foot Whiteboard Paint Kit for free!
2 more winners coming up between now and order #3100.
What a great time to get started on your next ReMARKable Whiteboard Wall Project! Good luck!