Things to Do with Dry Erase Paint
Every room in the house, school, business office, or other venue is a potential spot for applying top-quality dry erase paint. The information below will give you some practical pointers where whiteboard paint can be installed and ideas for how dry erase surfaces may make your life and those of your family members, students, and coworkers more convenient and enjoyable.
Kitchen Walls, Counters and Cabinets
When you turn household surfaces such as the walls, counters, and cabinets in your kitchen into handy whiteboards, you provide yourself with tools for performing countless helpful tasks. For example, the dry erase surfaces are ideal for listing the ingredients you need to use as you cook your favorite dishes. You can also label the kitchen cabinets and counter drawers with descriptions of their contents or post other helpful information. In addition, whiteboard painted surfaces in the kitchen are excellent substitutes for the traditional refrigerator door as places to input daily or weekly schedules, messages to family members, daily errand lists, to-do lists, the kids’ artwork, and more.
Children’s Room
Your children will thank you for installing a dry erase painted wall in their room to provide a huge space to express their creativity and develop their language and artistic skills. A dry erase wall in the kids’ bedroom is also perfect for doodling, scribbling, and doing homework assignments. On it, they can work out the solutions to math problems, brainstorm ideas for language arts essays, draw preliminary sketches for science projects, create timelines to help understand history lessons, and do various other academic tasks.
Installing premium dry erase paint to one or more walls in the kids’ room is thus a “no brainer” as it will keep them occupied and out of trouble for a long time throughout the day if they’re home-schooled or after school if they’re back to classroom instruction. Giving the youngsters a chance to use low-odor dry erase markers to write, doodle, and draw gives you peace of mind because the kids can’t damage the surface as they would on ordinary walls, and there’s no need for extensive cleanup or repainting.
Having whiteboard walls in the kids’ room can also allow you to give your children reminders and keep them on the ball regarding their daily household chores and homework assignments. The strong visual effect of seeing these messages posted in large lettering on a vast dry erase wall will remind them of their responsibilities and also help you hold the children accountable for their duties. By helping to develop the children’s sense of personal responsibility and accountability, whiteboard walls become valuable parenting tools, besides being an enjoyable place for the kids to spend their free time and do homework.
Home Office and/or Home School Desk
Coating a work-from-home and/or a home school desk with whiteboard paint and turning it into an easily accessible dry erase surface can be an efficient way to make space for recording ideas and event schedules. The surface can also offer a place for students and adults to doodle and give free rein to their imaginations with sketches and random designs. For many working from home, the new normal in our society involves endless virtual meetings, and the long screen time involved can be mentally and physically draining. Virtual conferences lack the physical movement and in-person contact that we all need to have a sense of balance in our lives.
Doodling can be both Relaxing and Beneficial to Cognitive Functioning
Doodling on a dry erase wall during virtual meetings can alleviate this problem by calming the mind and acting as a meditative practice. It can also enhance your cognitive skills.
Moreover, young students often need help staying focused and engaged during virtual school lessons. A simple solution to this problem is to let the students doodle on their dry erase wall for a few minutes before each class session. They’ll love doing it, and the doodling activity will help them stay focused during lessons, even while working on Zoom or Skype. Instead of thinking of doodling as a bad habit, like putting their feet on the furniture, consider it a beneficial practice that can help your children absorb information and learn more effectively.
Scientific studies show that doodling or making spontaneous marks on a surface like a whiteboard wall benefits both the mind and the body and can help you to think more clearly. For this reason, doodling is a long underappreciated and underused learning tool that can help enhance the mental capacity of children and adults of any age.
Household Bulletin Board
Create your family bulletin board in any room or hallway of your house, preferably near the exit or in the vestibule or mud room. In this way, your family members can have an easily accessed surface to write notes to one another, place reminders of important events, post pick-up times for the kids from school or sports events, and much more. If the board is placed near the front or back door, everyone can see it as they go in and out of the house and easily make comments or leave notes before leaving or returning.
You can also draw a calendar board on your whiteboard wall for posting reminders about your family’s daily or weekly activities, upcoming vacation dates, children’s after-school pick-up times, and countless other items.
Cafeteria Menu and Information Board
Coating a wall or part of a wall in your school cafeteria with dry erase paint can be highly useful for posting the day’s menu and what to expect for the following day. You could even add a calendar to post what foods will be served each day of the week, along with an area for students’ comments about the cafeteria menu and suggestions for improvement or new menu items. This area should include a reminder to students to keep their remarks respectful at all times. Rules about appropriate lunchroom etiquette and state health department guidelines for school cafeterias could also be posted.
The massive surface of a whiteboard painted wall allows for easy writing in large letters for clear communications to the student body that it’s essential to follow the rules of behavior while in the cafeteria and for posting lunch menu items and other information at once for trouble-free viewing. Besides, as mentioned, the wall can be used by students to suggest new food items, reviews of lunchtime meals, areas for improvement in cafeteria policies, and related matters.
Teachers’ Break Room Boards
Coating the walls in the teachers’ lounge or break room with dry erase paint can help faculty members express their ideas and discuss information posted on the walls during breaks. This approach can add a new and exciting dimension to traditional faculty break room discussions, as it will help teachers remember the ideas they come up with by writing them on the walls. Teachers can also make annotations on one another’s written comments as another form of constructive interaction besides their verbal discussions.
Teachers generally create attractive, up-to-date, and well-maintained bulletin boards for their classrooms, which can be done in their collective break room. This area is perfect for installing dry erase wall paint on the walls and doors to serve as bulletin boards and provide a large, handy faculty communications center. With a place to interact through writing in their lounge room, teachers will be able to input comments and memos for one another, interact about lesson plans or curriculum changes, brainstorm ideas for field trips, list break room necessities to be ordered, post quotes of the day, and more.